United Family Of Sacred Humor Beings
Registration Form

Copy this registration form, fill it out, and mail it to Mistyc House at 816 West Francis #244, Spokane, WA 99205 or fax it to (Fax # Pending) if you're using a credit card.
Any questions?..... Write us at: business@mistychouse.com
Name ____________________________________
Phone (_______)___________________________
Donation Amount $_________.______ E-Mail ______________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City ______________________ State _______________Zip ____________________
Check _________________ Money Order _________________ Cash ____________
Credit Card # ______________________________ Exp. Date __________________
Why I want to be a member: _____________________________________________
What I can do personally to heal the planet with Humor:______________________
Our Sacred Vow
"I Promise To Spread An Epidemic Of Joy And Laughter Wherever And Whenever I Can."
"I Vow To Look For The Cosmic Joke In Everything That Upsets Me, Or Makes Me Angry!"
"I Have Read And Almost Memorized "Our Sacred Code," And Give It My Full Consent, Agreement,
And Commitment. I Understand That My Lifetime Membership Can Expire Only If I Do!"
Signature _________________________________Date_______________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you can figure out what Hal is laughing about, send in your speculation with this registration form and get an extra Bumper Sticker...Free!